Friday, October 11, 2019

Inktober 2019 Day 11

Day 10/11: 🌨️#snow @inktober

So I purposely didn't draw Job Snow cause I feel like that's what everyone was going to draw so Drew an Inuit instead. I'm actually surprised how this one turned out. I've never really drawn fur before but I think it reads well.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Inktober 2019 day 10

Day 10/31: ⚫ #pattern @inktober 

Using gold for the first time this year! Circle earrings for circle pattern. I just made a new etsy listing for these ink portrait, check em out!

Inktober 2019 Day 9

Day 9/31: 🗡️#swing @inktober

I'm missing japanese culture so had to draw a Japanese inspired drawing. Girl with a katana. This one was a lot of fun

Inktober 2019 Day 7

Day 8/31: 👵#Frail @inktober 

OKAY, all caught up with inktober, first week done. Three more to go. Btw did I mention all of these drawings are for sale??!

Inktober 2019 Day 6

Day 6/31: 🐶#husky @inktober 

I'm already feeling the toll of making a drawing a day, trying to catch up with day 7 at the moment. Here's 6, husky.

Inktober 2019 Day 5

Day 5/31 🔨#build @inktober 

Day 5 is build so thought of building a sculpture portrait? Bit of a stretch. Half the effort of inktober for me is just trying to find a good idea to match the day

Inktober 2019 Day 4

Day 4/31: ❄️#freeze @inktober

It's the governator as Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin. I really loved this movie growing up and used to think mr freeze was the scariest villain. Drawing took roughly 2 hours.

Day 3/31 🎣 #bait @inktober 

Hook, line, and sinker. This one was fun to draw, I was trying to follow the form of the head as much as possible. And I always love an excuse to use red sharpie.

Inktober 2019 Day 2

Day 2/31: 🧠 #mindless @inktober

This one was a little tricky, I spent a long time thinking about the composition and tried to challenge myself as much as possible. I was inspired by illustrations by Sachin Teng. I probably spent way too much time on this one. I wanted to push myself and come up with something cool

Inktober 2019 Day 1

Day 1/31 ✒️ #Ring @inktober
Super excited to do another Inktober, it's always a great challenge to undertake. Hopefully I can finish it this time. Good luck to everyone participating.